Teaching Strategy

Along with teaching of regular subjects, the following processes are adopted to elevate the mental standard of the student. Children in their inception stage need a warm, playful, caring, secure & stimulating environment, At Arya Misssion, Our foundation stage includes:-

  • Mental efficiency elevation in the child through number of problem solving exercises with under mentioned supports-
    - Game
    - Models
    - Computer
    - Psychological support, etc.
  • Continuous Progress Monitoring through-
    - Class tests (Written)
    - Term exams (Written)
    - Oral Tests
    - Assignments
    - Project Work
    - Psychological tests
    (The frequency of such tests will be spread over one academic year)

Writing is at the heart of our topics. Children are inspired to write for a while range of purposes, including stories, poems, letters, reports and biographies. A language rich environment and a focus on communication and vocabulary development ensures children leaving the school have the ability to express themselves verbally and writers expressively for a whole range of purposes. Core skills, including spelling, grammar, and hand writing, are taught systematically ensuring writing is accurate and fit for the purpose.
Reading is both an essential skill and a doorway to an amazing world of imagination and information. Therefore reading forms a core part of our curriculum with books often at the centre of a topic. A range of texts inspire topics across the school, from “where the wild things are” in KS1, to “War Horse” in year 5 and 6. A focus on high quality phonics teaching in reception and year ensures children are confident at decoding new words. As a school we want children to develop a love of reading and to read for pleasure. Teachers read aloud regularly ot their classes, enabling children to access stories they are not yet able to read for themselves. They read regularly in school both as individuals and as part of group sessions which allow time for discussion and reflectin. We also ask that children are heard read regularly at home and keep a home and school reading recording record to facilitate this.