Rules & Regulations

  • Timely notice will be given to parents with regarded to the opening and closing of the school.
  • Parent/Guardians are earnestly requested not to call or see their wards during class hours. This has a disturbing effect on the children and such requests will not be entertained.
  • Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct and good behavior both in and outside the school.
  • Students without uniform and not allowed to attend their class.
  • Students must come to school neatly dressed in their complete school uniform.
  • Parents are expected to co-operate with the school authorities by enforcing regularity. Punctuality cleanliness and a sense of discipline in the children.
  • The school will not be responsible for the loss of any valuables. Loss if any. Should be reported to the principal/Class teacher immediately.
  • Fee once paid will not be refunded or adjusted. The fee must be paid regularly.
  • The child must carry his/her diary & I-card to school every day.
  • Students are expected to reach the school at least 10 minutes before the starting time.
  • Frequent late-comers will be sent home.
  • Students are not permitted to bring objectionable material to school e.g. magazines. Video games. Mobile phones & electronic gadgets, etc.
  • Students are not permitted to wear armaments. Use expensive wrist watches. Apply hens/nail paint/fancy clips/bands etc.
  • The girls who have got their ears pierced, Will wear only small studs.
  • Kindly send a diary note seeking appointment in case you would like to meet the educator.
  • On all Saturdays parents can come and meet the concerned educator between 9:30am -11:30 am, by taking prior appointment.
  • In all official correspondence with the school, full name of the child, as well as the class and admission number should be mentioned.
  • The child should carry his/her lunch box-water bottle and other articles required in school in the morning. As the school shall not accept any item sent through servants or friends during working hours due to security reasons.
  • Our school is an environment-friendly school. Therefore Polythene bags are not allowed on the campus.
  • Kindly provide cloth/jute/polythene bags to your child to carry his/her belongings.
  • In case of illness, the child should not be sent to school at all, even on assessment days.
  • Leave will be sanctioned only against the prescribed leave application form.
  • No child shall be permitted to leave early unless it is a medical emergency.
  • Medical leave will only be granted on provision of a medical certificate by a competent authority.
  • A student suffering from any infectious diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to the class. After submitting a medical fitness certificate from a competent authority.
  • The affected child would not be allowed to come to school even if there is an examination.
  • Chicken Pox- Till completes falling of scabs.
  • Cholera- Till the child is completely well.
  • Measles - Two weeks after the rash disappears.
  • Mumps – Until the swelling has gone.
  • Whooping cough - Six weeks.
  • No test or examination date will be brought forward or postponed if a child is absent on medical grounds.