Mission And Vision

Think More
We give opportunities for each child to develop independence and a sense of enquiry, so that they can express and develop their own creative ideas. They develop their unique talents and interests which working cooperatively with others.
Be More
We provide a safe and caring environment where children have high standards of behavior and respect for all. Within this community, children can become active citizens who understand their rights and responsibilities, in a technologically-advancing and diverse word.
Our Teaching Team
Teams of teachers plan together to share expertise and deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that

promotes the talents and interests of the children in the class. We have the highest expectations of all the children in our school, aiming for every child to reach their potential both in terms of academic attainment and personal development. Each term, the children are introduced to a new topic through which different subjects are taught. We endeavor to provide a wide range of experience for the children to base their learning on. Although a topic may have a particular subject focus, careful planning ensures an even coverage across the school years.