Salient Features

Salient Features :-
We have a scientific method to teach children. We don " t train children to learn by force but direct them to what amuses their minds, so that, they are able to discover life with accuracy,
Yoga / Martial Art :-
To assimilate the concept of our inherited culture which we have given to the world as legacy, have a special wing to conduct yoga & pranayam so that our pupils become healthy, spiritually, mentally as well as physically. Apart from these we have "MARTIAL ART" training programme such as Wushu-Kung-fu, Muaythi, Boxing etc.
Parent- Teacher Meeting :-
To keep you updated of the progress of your ward, we have a provision of parent-teacher interaction session, which is organized from time to time.

Extra Curriculum :-
To develop our children into an all rounder our school has a learning support centre, which organizes Music, Dance, Debate, Work-shop, Essay, Painting, Quiz Competition, Gardening etc from time to time to inculcate in them the required qualities.
Faculty :-
The faculty consists of qualified and trained teachers. Our Teachers are truly dedicated to shape the career of the students. They nurture their children with love and affection.
Conveyance :-
Our school provides conveyance facility.
Health Care :-
Dr. AJaykr. Singh, Dr. K.K. Singh, Dr A.N.Choudhary, Dr. U.K. Singh form the medical board of the school.